Save on Gifts

Save on Gifts: Start a Present Stockpile, Have Gifts On Hand All Year!

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Save on Gifts

I used to panic every time a special occasion came up. I’d have to run out to the store, try to find a nice but inexpensive present (because, you know, I didn’t have a budget allotment for gifts), and I usually would forget about it, causing me to wait until the last minute.

A couple of years ago, I was determined to save on gifts with both money and time when it came to gift giving. So, I created a gift stockpile. You can hit the end-of-the-year toy sales at Target and score hundreds of dollars worth of toys for around $30!

You can keep your stockpile anywhere. I was hoping to move mine under the bed, but my bed is so low that I haven’t been able to find a storage bin small enough to fit. So, for now, I have gifts in bins in my closet. I try to keep like items together, such as gifts for girls in one bin, gifts for boys in another, etc.

Save on Gifts

Want to save on gifts and start your own gift stockpile? Here are a few tips:

  • Stores like Target normally have toy clearance sales at least twice a year. Hit it up when it first starts to check out inventory, then go by often as the prices will be lowered every week to get what you want at its lowest price.
  • Have friends and relatives who like to wear jewelry? Keep up with the super cheap Amazon jewelry deals we post throughout the year to score some great gifts at low prices.
  • The same Amazon principle applies to movies. My buy-it-now price is $5 and under, so I’ll grab any movies I find on Amazon that meet that price point. These have made for great small gifts.
  • Pick up great deals during Black Friday sale sand stick them in your gift stockpile for later.

I love my gift stockpile! It enables me to give gifts throughout the year for next to nothing!

Do you have a gift stockpile? What are some of your favorite finds?

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